
The New Innovation in Organizing Village Productively

The New Innovation in Organizing Village Productively           In 2015, I done my first experience how to be a coordinator in a scout activity program that called Kemah Kerja Nyata (KKN). Kemah Kerja Nyata is a scout activity program in scout of Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University that usually held in Village. Kemah Kerja Nyata 2015 had done in Bungmanis, Pucanganom Village, Rongkop Subdistrict, Gunungkidul Regency.            Many program that done in there. There are Natural Farming, Cooking cake demonstration, Cooking Chocholate, Wide games for children, Gymnastic every morning, Cooking competition, Training take care of corpse, Religious Proletytizing (Dakwah) with Magic Show, Teaching children how to reciting Quran, and many more. All of program always have a relation with people in the village.            Kemah Kerja Nyata 2015 was going on Pucanganom village about half of month. Natural Farming program was realized as a support in farming with the new i